Bite the Apple

 Posted by on October 6, 2010
Oct 062010

By Ms Savannah Sly

My week and a half of kink events and travel began at 5:30am on an NYC-bound bus. To my absolute dismay, I realized that, in my drowsy haste, I had forgotten all of my new Netflix DVD’s on my kitchen table. Alas, I was to endure my travels without any new films to mull over.

But wait! Hadn’t I planned on attending to 2010 NYC CineKink screening that very night?

Have a Happy Period – Really

 Posted by on September 29, 2010
Sep 292010

by Deirdre O’Donnell

As a young woman in her college years in the middle of an economic struggle, I feel that information regarding healthy and cost-efficient alternatives for menstrual care are rather hard to come by. I spend a lot of time seeking out magazine articles, advertisements, zines, books, and websites that have an abundance of information on this topic, and I have put together a little bundle of tips and new ideas for those out there on the rag!

I want my cake…but can I eat it too?

 Posted by on September 22, 2010
Sep 222010

by N

While compiling ideas for the latest segment of“Burlesque And The City”, I had some strong emotions flooding my mind about a past relationship, one from which I am still healing. My heart was broken and I was left standing alone wondering what went wrong. How one minute I could be madly, deeply in love, and the next realize that your lover wants nothing of the sort.

No, I’m NOT Her Roommate

 Posted by on September 20, 2010
Sep 202010

by Shanna Katz

I know I’m not the only one who has gone through this. I know this. And it’s not the first time I’ve been through it either, and it certainly won’t be the last. I am sick of people assuming, and then saying out loud, that my partner is my roommate. It’s been happening for years…

Sep 182010

By AliceSin Aerie

Not long ago, in a place just near by, I was hosting a kink community party. No dress code was required at the establishment, but dressing for the theme, in fetish wear or basic black was strongly encouraged. As the clock neared closing time and the crowd began to thin, terrific screams could be heard from the back…

Mr. Emphatically Not Gay

 Posted by on September 17, 2010
Sep 172010

by Amethyst Wonder

Unlike last month’s article, this is not about a guy I met online. This is about four guys I met online. I’m lumping them all together because they shared the same annoying trait. Each of these episodes begins the same; they seem like a good fit for something I’m looking for (usually ongoing casual sex). Each of these episodes ends the same; they make some declaration about not being into “any of that gay shit,”