Chakras and BDSM

 Posted by on March 16, 2011
Mar 162011

By Selina Minx

All bdsm acts both on the physical body, as well as the subtler energy systems. What are these subtle energy systems and how can play be intensified by incorporating them?

Whenever we come into contact with each other there is a dance of electromagnetic energy that happens invisibly between us. On a more subtle plane, even a thought or a dream is a temporary energetic link to another being. Energy literally goes where the mind goes. By guiding the energy with intention, breath, gaze, gesture and touch we can achieve some deeper effects. Be Aware! This practice will bring you into emotional and harmonic resonance with your partner! It will also open up deeper parts of their personality and energy body. Unexpected emotional effects can occur. Only engage on this level if you are confident in your ability to nurture someone compassionately through an emotional release. It is not always possible to engage a safeword when certain emotional triggers happen. A top must be willing and able to look deeper and do what’s best for their partner. Lastly, it is essential to cleanse the enhanced connections from your body-mind-spirit to maintain the soundness of the systems once play is finished.

After a session of bdsm, whether it included work on the subtler planes or not, it’s best to clarify your personal energy. You may find some methods of purifying are familiar to you, you may have already instinctively done them. The intention to purify is all that’s needed, along with a simple action such as a shower, a walk, working out, swimming, sleeping, writing, doing art or telling a story about your experience. For a more formal, or deeper purification, try bathing yourself in sage smoke, resting on your back with stones or crystals on the energy centers mentioned below, or sending energy to each of your own chakras, and consciously willing them to be clarified other energy. This is best done alone, and by both parties.

The Chakras

Root Chakra – Occurs at the perineum. It travels half in, and half out of the physical body. This is the domain of animal instinct and survival, the home to our most primal urges and feelings. Sex occurs here. The energetic effect brings everyone closer to their animal selves. Many forms of sensation play are understandably focused on the nether regions. By reaching beyond your hand with you intention as you spank you can stoke the flames of your partner’s root chakra, eliciting a more animalistic state. By listening with your hands, while stroking the areas around the base chakra, you can better sense the level of submission and vulnerability of your partner. The asshole itself is a veritable mood ring, sure to signal the level of receptivity.

Sex Chakra – Occurs within the body a few inches below the navel. This chakra is in the lower abdomen and vivifies the sex organs. It’s domain is creativity, sensuality, pleasure and emotion. If this chakra is engaged during intercourse with a hand on the lower belly it brings the attention to the womb, ancestors and children, born or unborn. Deeper engagement of this chakra can trigger past life memories and emotions. I find the energy of this chakra so powerful that I almost always just move through it, rather than focusing energy on it. The Sacrum, lower back area, is generally unsuitable for impact play. However delicate sensations of fingers running lightly over, feathers or hot wax used to stimulate this area can have a potent sex drive enhancing effect.

Solar Plexus Chakra – Occurs just below the rib cage, within the body. This chakra is the domain of the ego and the furnace of personal power. Impact play on this part of the back is quite popular, and can have the effect of bringing a slave down low. It can stimulate feelings of stoicism, unemotional submission and shame. If I am dealing with someone who is having difficulties letting go and surrendering, I will pull energy from this place into the root, heart and head. It can also be fun to grab someone in this area and manhandle them. The ribs are highly ticklish and tender, reflecting their sister spiritual system, the ego. Tread lightly here for best effect. Deeper work with this chakra will often unlock anger and helplessness.

Heart Chakra – Occurs behind the sternum, in the center of the chest. This chakra rules love, worthiness, vitality, emotion. Impact play on the back in this zone is excellent for releasing guilt and regaining a sense of worthiness. Delicate touch with fingertips can draw out repressed negative or positive emotion, and elicit a romantic submission. It is from here that our “wings” spring – deeper engagement of this chakra can bring about complete bliss, unconditional love, deep forgiveness and healing. To increase intimacy during play you can place your hand over the heart in the front while engaging. To make someone feel smaller, place your hand over the heart on the upper back as you press them face down into something.

Throat Chakra – Occurs behind the lower neck area. This chakra rules communication, expression, assertiveness. This area is normally engaged in play with the use of a collar, which is a universal symbol of control and ownership. It is also a popular zone for biting, licking, sucking and stroking. Biting in particular engages the ancient archetypal relationship of predator/prey. This can be used with excellent effect, often to generate cowering, squealing and surrender. This area can also be stimulated with any vocal activity. Requiring a sub to make noises can open this area up in a way that will greatly heighten sensations.

Third Eye Chakra – Occurs behind and slightly above the eyes, inside the skull. This chakra rules our connection to the subtler planes. Dreams, hallucinations, perceptions, memories, memes. It is the eye which looks to the heavens, and sees inside men’s souls. Psychic powers, extra-sensory perception, prophecy, prayer and telepathy are all manifestations of the energy of this chakra connecting with the subtler planes. We get information from this chakra all the time, but it happens below normal consciousness. This is best engaged in play with the use of sensory deprivation. A hood is best, but headphones and a blindfold will work as well. This kind of play takes people deep into their minds, with mixed effect. This is best played with partners you know well, as sometimes you end up having to put the pieces back together with someone who releases deeply held emotions or memories.

Crown Chakra – Occurs at the top of the head, in the center, and exists half in and half out of the skull. This chakra rules our connection with the Divine. The crown, along with the root, are how we plug in to the biosphere/universe. Any work done with this chakra is inevitably revelatory. Full upside down suspension funnels energy into this area, and is so powerful it is advised not to do it for extended periods of time. Delicate stimulation of the top of the head with fingertips, or devices made for such things can create a very intense effect, a delicate touch works best. This can be used to draw energy upwards through blocked areas, or to bring a transcendental quality to a slaves experience.

These are extremely subtle techniques, with unexpectedly strong effects. People vary widely in their awareness and receptivity to these practices. Visualize and imagine the effects you want and until you’ve developed your senses enough to feel what’s going on. Tend the seasons of your heart, and do not use these techniques from the wrong place. Be prepared for emotional purifying on the parts of both partners. Detoxifying isn’t comfortable, but it definitely feels better once it’s been done. Relax, Trust and Love through your play and you will not be lead astray.


Ms. Minx