Posted by on May 12, 2011
May 122011

By Graydancer

I confess, I’m a “self-improvement” junkie. I love reading books on lifehacking, on how to get shit done, how to change your four-hour work habits for highly-effective Secrets of the 50 Cent Solution. At the same time, I tend to see the world through kink-colored glasses

Celibacy and Chastity

 Posted by on May 11, 2011
May 112011

By C.K. Persons

“Father what a waste” was a phrase used to describe a graduate school friend. Celibacy makes little sense to most people, but this description of my friend came from numerous budding theologians at a Catholic University!

May 092011

By Indigo

From Pageant Mom to Handler to Sash Widow : Being the Girlfriend of International Ms Leather 2011

I am pleased to announce that this year’s International Ms Leather 2011 (IMsL) is my lovely girlfriend Sara Vibes. IMsL is a competition to determine the women that will represent the leather community

The Face of a Fat Bride

 Posted by on May 8, 2011
May 082011

By lunaKM

No one has ever told me that I will make a beautiful bride. I’ve never heard the words “stunning” in reference to me in my wedding dress. It’s always been pretty or slimming or simple. Yet I know that I will be the most beautiful bride for my future husband, because he has chosen me.

Howdy There Partner

 Posted by on May 2, 2011
May 022011

By Shanna Katz

Sometimes, the English language just fails me. Aside from the ridiculous issue of pronouns (I mean, really, do we need to have masculine and feminine pronouns when we conjugate everything in neutrality anyways?

The Secret Cabinet

 Posted by on April 29, 2011
Apr 292011

Or, Sex in the Museum

By The Royal Jester

The golden ratio in art and architecture of the Greeks and the precise engineering of the ancient Romans, among their other sophisticated achievements, drove the resuscitation of western society