BDSM Explained: Acronyms Abound

 Posted by on July 11, 2011
Jul 112011

By Sea

This article is first of a three-series article that explains what BDSM is, and why people enjoy it. It would be helpful to those with or without an interest in BDSM who wish to know more about the terms and origins of interest, and those into BDSM who are looking for ideas for how to explain it to others.

My Bad. Sorta.

 Posted by on July 9, 2011
Jul 092011

By Amethyst Wonder

Way, way, back in the day, when it first occurred to me to look for kinky partners on the internet, before I’d ever had casual partners, before my needs had evolved into their current state of complexity, before I developed my processing or communication skills, I had an online interaction that I wish I’d handled differently.

Jul 082011

By Bex vanKoot

We all serve something. Whether we spend our hours serving a lover, a family, a job, a country, an ideal or even ourselves, we all serve. It is what we serve that defines our lives. I serve love, and not just any love, but sacred, abundant, unconditional love.

Straight Identity #1

 Posted by on July 7, 2011
Jul 072011

By Shanna Katz

We often talk about the ”other” identities, those that are considered to deviate from the norm – the LGBTQ community, the kinky folk, the non-monogamous folks, etc. However, EVERYONE has identities, even if your identities may be more of what society deems to be the ”defaults,”…

Nonconsensual Vulgarity

 Posted by on July 5, 2011
Jul 052011

By Lucy Lemonade

I consider myself a professional kinkster. Now for some that phrase may mean I’m professionally kinky. But for the purposes of this conversation I am referring to this term as a professional individual who is also kinky. I’m stuck between the desire to be out and open…

Featuring Molly Crabapple

 Posted by on July 4, 2011
Jul 042011

By Erin Fae

“Olympia is [a] fuck-you confrontation in a pearly pink package,” Molly Crabapple told me of one of her favorite paintings. “Manet was painting the top courtesan in Paris, surrounded by all the luxury she’d earned, staring out with dead contempt…

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The Big Fat Four Letter Word: Diet

 Posted by on July 3, 2011
Jul 032011

By lunaKM

As children we learn that there are bad words but the worst of them are four-letter words. We’ll hiss and point and swear to tattle on anyone you catch saying those four-letter words but still you might whisper it under your breath just to see what bad juju it might have.