Struggling with Desires

 Posted by on July 1, 2011
Jul 012011

By Sarah Sloane

Dear Sarah:

What would you suggest for someone who struggles with expressing sexual and S&M desires? I have them…in spades…but I have issues asking for what I want, both because of fear of rejection but also struggling with seeming “too weird”. I have an odd play history…

Fashion Inspiration at a Glance

 Posted by on June 30, 2011
Jun 302011

By Nina Love

One of the problems that I’ve encountered since joining the wonderful world we call the “scene” is that it is increasingly hard to stand out in room full of perverts. Getting ready for a CON can be an overwhelming endeavor. I can take the easy way out…

Jun 292011

by T.M. Bernard

Though calling his creations ’erotic’ is a stretch, there’s an abundance of sensual feeling in the surreal, other worldly creations of Daniel Merriam, a self-taught artist who works include fine art, illustrations, animation art and bronze sculptures.

 Art Exposed, Arts  Comments Off on Sensual Art: The Merriment of Daniel Merriam
Jun 232011

By Clare Jacky

I often tell people that the majority of my job is the “unsexy stuff.” Most days are spent with bookkeeping, inventory management, event planning meetings, and a constant stream of paperwork. I spend a lot more time brainstorming about our point of sale system than erotic fantasies.

Fluctuating Identity #1

 Posted by on June 22, 2011
Jun 222011

By Shanna Katz

This interview is with Euphoria, a young woman who identifies as having fluctuation in her identities. I think it is important to include identities that may not be as definite, fleshed out, or as solid as others.

Kink Under Duress

 Posted by on June 21, 2011
Jun 212011

By Jay Morgan

As humans, we possess a complex set of emotions, unique to each of us and our environment. Sometimes we are not always in the mood for being a sadistic top, loving bottom, or stern taskmaster. Emotional involvement, financial obligations, kids, exes…


 Posted by on June 20, 2011
Jun 202011

By Julian Wolf

What drives you? What do you find yourself thinking about every day? How do you spend your time? In what do you invest your money? For some of us, the answers to these questions are easy to articulate.

The Best of the Worst of Times

 Posted by on June 19, 2011
Jun 192011

By GrayDancer

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, count yourself lucky.

But I’m betting most of you do. Life is pretty messy, after all, and it’s not always as easy as finding your wife in bed with the gardner, or the traditional lipstick-on-the-collar.


 Posted by on June 17, 2011
Jun 172011

By Lucy Lemonade

Being a larger woman I have battled body image issues throughout my life. When I got involved in the kink community I worried about how I would handle these issues. Fetish clothing is usually tight to the body