So You Want to Be a Porn Star…

 Posted by on June 14, 2011
Jun 142011

By Sexquire

If I told you that right now there are places you can go on the Internet to find amateur porn videos and pay to download them, would you be shocked? This is a ridiculous question, isn’t it? Well what if I told you that some of those videos could send the people who make them to prison?

The Balance of Boundaries

 Posted by on June 13, 2011
Jun 132011

By Sarah Sloane

I asked my friend, who I hadn’t seen in over a year, why they hadn’t been teaching very much. I’m always curious about how other educators handle their life/work balance, and I like to learn great skills from others (as well as benefit from their lessons learned).


 Posted by on June 9, 2011
Jun 092011

By C.K. Persons

Judgment’s been in the news lately, mostly due to another of Harold Camping’s incorrect predictions of the end times. (He was first wrong on 9/6/94, and then 5/21/11; and he’ll be incorrect again on 10/21/11.)

Shrinking Hard Limits

 Posted by on June 6, 2011
Jun 062011

The Evolution of a Kinky Relationship

By Indigo
There comes a time in a long term kinky relationship when a couple’s hard limits begin to change. After being with my partner for as long as I have, I’ve started to realize that we’ve tried a lot

Bootblack Marathon

 Posted by on June 3, 2011
Jun 032011

By katie diamond

When I decided I was indeed going to run for International Ms Bootblack, it was for the love of bootblacking. Yes, I had done my research into what a title-year looked like. I had talked to many contestants and a few current International title holders.