Covering The Curves

 Posted by on September 27, 2012
Sep 272012
Covering The Curves

I’m a curvy girl with a limited budget and an active, kinky social life. Play parties are regular events on my calendar as is the occasional visit to a public dungeon or a fetish convention. It seems like there’s always a reason to dress up or undress as the case may be. My problem at […]

Play : An Adult Concept

 Posted by on September 25, 2012
Sep 252012
Play : An Adult Concept

“And in the playing of it (games), we come to know ourselves-and each other-more deeply.” ~Jacqueline Carey, Kushiel’s Scion How many of you currently have your cell phones on?  Or will be going upstairs to check your email? Learning to disengage from our electronic world is key to finding your bliss. We have all become […]

Leather Storytelling: Roving Pack, a Novel

 Posted by on September 23, 2012
Sep 232012
Leather Storytelling: Roving Pack, a Novel

Imagine you’ve been kicked out of your home for being queer, and you’ve just run away with your first Daddy. The relationship doesn’t work out, and you decide to go move back to Portland, Oregon…. That is how Sassafras Lowrey’s debut novel, Roving Pack, begins. Roving Pack transports the reader to the gritty underground Portland, […]

What is a Submissive and Who’s On First?

 Posted by on September 21, 2012
Sep 212012
What is a Submissive and Who’s On First?

Here we have the makings of a debate that rivals one about which baseball team is the best–ask 20 people what a submissive is and you will get 21 answers! People will get in each other’s face, kick up dirt and, sometimes, come close to an all out brawl. What if you believe that a […]

Con-Tribes – Temporary Community

 Posted by on September 19, 2012
Sep 192012
Con-Tribes - Temporary Community

We most often think of community in a permanent way.  Whether we’re talking neighborhoods or social networks, the idea is the community is always there.  You can be a part of it for years, and at levels varying from lurker to leader.  Munches are going on all the time, parties happen, people chat online, and […]

Can Buddhism Be A Style of Love and D/s?

 Posted by on September 17, 2012
Sep 172012
Can Buddhism Be A Style of Love and D/s?

Self-love and loving in Buddhism takes on various forms both mentally, emotionally, and physically. Recently Tantra has been a new popular sexual lifestyle which has incorporated not only fulfilling sexual urge but has opened new doors to sexual enlightenment towards others and towards self.  Classes, workshops, and retreats have been created around this way of […]

Sep 132012
It really is a wonderful time with the Internet...

It really is a wonderful time with the Internet, twitter and the like lifting us out of ignorance and even causing revolutions. Information is freely available that decades ago was considered shameful and hidden, presumably, to protect our delicate natures. It all ties in with the various liberation movements starting in the 1960’s. I am […]

Giving Kink a Black Eye

 Posted by on September 11, 2012
Sep 112012
Giving Kink a Black Eye

WARNING…WARNING!!! I’m going to talk about race and I’m likely to say a few things some of you may not want to hear. As much as American society likes to claim we’re moving or have already moved into a post-racial era (we have a Black President after all), the fact remains that many of our […]

You make me so mad!

 Posted by on September 9, 2012
Sep 092012
You make me so mad!

You know how it goes; someone does (or doesn’t do) something, and you get pissed off.  In the pissed-offness, you say something to the effect of “you made me angry,” and things go from there. Well, my friends, I’m here to suggest something to you – something that might just shift a paradigm you’ve held […]