Begin by Ending

 Posted by on September 7, 2012
Sep 072012
Begin by Ending

There’s a common conceit in oriental literature called the tale cycle.  In a tale cycle, the story ends at the same point, place, or event where it begins.  We westerners though, tend to see our lives as a traditional “life story”, with a beginning, middle, and end.  But Lao-tzu could tell you that seeing your […]

Protecting Against Predators

 Posted by on September 5, 2012
Sep 052012
Protecting Against Predators

If you have ever been out and about in the kink community, poly community, and even the queer community, you have probably run across the concept of predators within the community. Every community has them; every community SHOULD have their own ways of dealing with them, or at least protecting the community from them. Sadly, […]

What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

 Posted by on September 3, 2012
Sep 032012
What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

If you’re the type of person who ever thinks about starting your own business, or being a freelancer, or turning your passion or hobby or interest into your career, chances are fairly high that you’re also a risk-taker. Eschewing the traditional “9-5, work for someone else, take home a paycheck and build up a retirement […]

Experiments for Better Sex: Part 1

 Posted by on September 1, 2012
Sep 012012
Experiments for Better Sex: Part 1

Keeping a sexual connection in a long term relationship is not a given, but with some intention and self-awareness, I believe it’s possible. In some ways, I think it’s a choice to believe that it’s possible—I am invested in loving someone over a long period of time, and I want it to be possible. I […]

Aug 302012
Interview with Fran Fisher RN, Ph.D author of "In the Name of God, Why?"

Your Book “In the Name of God, Why?  Ex-Catholic Nuns Speak Out about Sexual Repression, Abuse & Ultimate Liberation” tackles a taboo topic, what inspired to you to collect these stories and share them with the public? Originally my book was my dissertation, written as part of the requirement for my Ph.D.  It was modified […]

Parenting Visibility

 Posted by on August 28, 2012
Aug 282012
Parenting Visibility

The mainstream representation of the parenting and sex dilemma is almost exclusively focused on the straight, monogamous, married person who is too burdened from parenting to have the sex life he or she (though usually she) once did. Pages and pages, site after site, blog after blog address and respond to this issue as if […]

Soft Porn – Whitney Lee’s Rugs

 Posted by on August 26, 2012
Aug 262012
Soft Porn - Whitney Lee's Rugs

Do you remember that latch-hook rug hanging on your grandma’s wall? It may have been orange and brown, with a hint of avocado. Maybe you’ve only come across them at thrift stores. You might have gotten a kit as a child and pulled those tiny pieces of yarn through their plastic frames. However you encountered […]

The Erotic Edge

 Posted by on August 24, 2012
Aug 242012
The Erotic Edge

**This article addresses erotic knife play. It could be a possible trigger for some. It is intended as an educational article for consenting adults** “A deadly weapon. Sharp. Slick. Seductive. Sliding across the skin slowly, not knowing where it will stop. Caressing the curve of her neck, causing her skin to unconsciously shiver with desire. […]

Welcome to the Industry

 Posted by on August 22, 2012
Aug 222012
Welcome to the Industry

As a complete business services firm that includes in our ranks a small business attorney and bookkeeping/tax folks, Sexquire sees a lot of new sex related businesses in their infancy. We’ve helped set them up from a variety of angles, creating their legal entities, getting them off on the right foot for keeping their financial […]

The Scent of a Hedonist

 Posted by on August 21, 2012
Aug 212012
The Scent of a Hedonist

“When I raised my hand to brush the hair out of my eyes, I caught a whiff of their scent on my hand, and I couldn’t help but smile as I let my hand linger, to keep those memories closer…” Hardly a novel is written where the author doesn’t evoke the olfactory experience of being […]