Sep 142013
SUBMIT TO CINEKINK! - Call for Entries - CineKink 2014 / Eleventh Edition

CineKink –“the kinky film festival”–is seeking films and videos, of any length and genre, that explore and celebrate a wide diversity of sexuality. Dedicated to the recognition and encouragement of sex-positive and kink-friendly depictions in film and television, we’re looking to blur some boundaries and will be considering offerings drawn from both Hollywood and beyond, […]

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Sep 102013
Paperwork Protection for Alternative Relationships

by Aimee Bouchard

Not everyone has the opportunity, or even the desire, to get married. This is especially true for those of us who may practice an alternative style of relationship. However, there are a few simple documents that can help create a legally binding tie to your partners and help protect you and your loved ones in an emergency. It is never too early to start planning for the future.

For Prospective Parents

 Posted by on September 8, 2013
Sep 082013
For Prospective Parents

By Richard Wagner
Dr Dick, my husband and I have been arguing about circumcising our son since we learned we were pregnant with a boy. It is really putting a real strain on our marriage. He is not circumcised and he wants the same for our son. But the men in my family are all circumcised; and I was taught it was a serious matter of health and hygiene. Would you mind weighing in on this? The birth of our son should be a time for celebration not conflict.

Sep 062013
From 'vanilla' to 'Dom': how I started with BDSM

When I first ventured into the world of BDSM at the request of my partner, I was hesitant and slightly appalled at the thought of granting her request for a whipping, that would leave marks..! I had never ‘beaten’ a woman before, my mind racing.. wondering what my parents would think of this if they […]

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 Posted by on September 4, 2013
Sep 042013

by C.K. Persons

The Trinity – the doctrine or teaching that God is Father/Creator, Son/Redeemer, and Holy Spirit/Sanctifier – is central to Catholicism. But no one fully understands the Trinity. That is why so few people ever talk about the Trinity; the focus is usually on one or another Person of the Trinity (the Father, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit), rather than God as Triune (three in one).

Fuzzy Consent

 Posted by on September 1, 2013
Sep 012013
Fuzzy Consent

The issue of consent has been growing both within and without the kink community in the past few years. Recently the National Coalition of Sexual Freedom began their “Consent Counts” campaign, endeavoring to teach local law enforcement officials the difference between assault and kink. The difference, of course, is the consent of the individuals involved. […]

The Magic of Modern Mythology

 Posted by on August 30, 2013
Aug 302013
The Magic of Modern Mythology

By Bex vanKoot

When most people nowadays – pagan, monotheist, athiest or otherwise – think of the word “myth”, we typically imagine sacred stories of other times and cultures, things that may-or-may-not have happened long ago

5 Myths About Gender

 Posted by on August 28, 2013
Aug 282013
5 Myths About Gender

Gender is one of the most powerful social forces in our lives- it shapes not only our view of the world, but also the view of ourselves. Whether we are assigned to be a man or woman at birth affects the lens through which we perceive, learn, negotiate and understand society. Unfortunately there are a […]

2 Cut, Or Not 2 Cut — Part 1

 Posted by on August 26, 2013
Aug 262013
2 Cut, Or Not 2 Cut — Part 1

By Richard Wagner

Sometimes culturally established practices conflict with sound sexual health imperatives. Nowhere is this clash more obvious than in the touchy issue of circumcision in general, and infant circumcision in particular.

Some unaltered adult men; as well as many prospective parents are confused and conflicted about the practice.