Jul 082013
8 Wrong and 1 Right Reason to Have Casual Sex

I have a lot of casual sex (we’re talking a few thousand encounters with a few hundred partners over the last 20 years) and I absolutely love it. The vast majority of my hookups have been pleasurable, some were absolutely mind-blowing, some were crappy, and a couple bordered on abusive. With the exception of the […]

Jul 042013
Confession and Absolution in Catholicism and BDSM

I resisted the Sacrament of Penance (confession) for most of my Catholic life, mainly because I didn’t understand it. If my sins had fallen into the category of “I took the Lord’s name in vain” I might not have fought against it so hard. But the mere idea of telling a fellow human being that […]

Lies We Tell Ourselves

 Posted by on June 30, 2013
Jun 302013
Lies We Tell Ourselves

Self-Deception in the Postmodern Age


Studies have shown that the average person lies several times a day. Sometime the lies are little untruths – “That new haircut looks great.” Other times they’re pretty major…

The Atheist And The Goddess

 Posted by on June 28, 2013
Jun 282013
The Atheist And The Goddess

Mistress, GODDESS, PLEASE!!! I long to be yours and to serve you! My body is prone at your feet! You are the most beautiful woman ever… Goddess you are superior to me…! i am not worthy to kiss Your lovely toes… I’m a female dominant, which means opening up my inbox means being ready for […]

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Jun 262013
How does gender identity affect body image?

There are always a lot of conversations, books, articles and talks given on body image. We are told of the staggering statistics around eating disorders and told of how the media glorification of unrealistic bodies shatters self-esteem. Of the heart-wrenching stories of 8 year-olds dieting because they think they are too fat. However, we don’t […]

Jun 252013
Are higher priced sex toys really worth it?

Yes. Why? It’s 2013 and your sex toys are stuck in the 90’s. What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of sex toys? Tacky neon-colored phallic objects that need batteries and are made from plastic and smells like… plastic. No wonder why the idea of bringing these things to bed (much […]

Jun 242013
Getting What You Want - 3 Things NOT to do

by AliceSin Aerie

The most sure-fire way to get what you want out of any interaction is breathtakingly simple: make the other party want to give it to you.
Anyone can use negative tactics & force get what they want in the short term, the savvy kinkster creates positive experiences to forge connections that keep on giving over time. To that end, I’ve listed my top three pet peeves in the community – the best thing about these negative behaviors is that they are great examples of what not to do.

Jun 222013
3 Biggest Myths on Having the STI/STD Conversation...Debunked

All of the links in the article are connected to free PassionateU.com videos, some of them are NSFW (aka explicit!) There are a lot of awkward conversations we might have in life. Socially taboo topics can be difficult to discuss or talk without feeling weird. Topics that usually fall under the “socially awkward” conversations may […]