Jason Hairston



Jason Hairston

Relationship Coach/ Energy Healer/ Author
A Deeper Love
Atlanta, Ga

Personal Website:


Jason Hairston has always been a curious soul.  His undying curiosity led him to new information and spiritual experiences that broadened his view of the world and its people.  From this broadened perspective, a new life emerged for Jason anchored in peace and tranquility.  Since his transformation, he has been very passionate about helping people find their inner strength so they too can live in harmony.  He is an author, energy healer and relationship coach for A Deeper Love, a movement that teaches people to be  “students” of life instead of choosing to be “victims” of circumstance.  His spiritually guided techniques direct clients inward to experience a deeper love so they can live more fulfilling lives.  Jason frequents radio programs as a featured guest discussing love and relationships.


Jason Hairston was a blogger for Jujumamma Love Academy


About My Column

Expressions Of A Deeper Love

My column will explore the depths of relating on a deeper level. I discuss the subjects of sex, love and relationships from an honest and open point of view.