Sarah Sloane
Title: Educator, Writer, Activist, Personal & Business Consultant,
Business/Group: Pleasure Chest Chicago
Location: Chicago
Personal Website:
Biography: Sarah Sloane is a sexuality & relationship educator from the Washington DC metro area. She has taught literally hundreds of classes for Sex-Positive, BDSM, and Relationship-oriented organizations and events throughout the US, Canada, and overseas for 9 years; she also works with individuals & small groups to learn skills and techniques to enhance their lives. Additionally, she is a popular guest on numerous podcasts and internet radio shows, and delights in speaking her mind and creating dialogue with listeners across the globe.
Specialties: Breath Control, Polyamory, Punching, Relationship skills, Rough Body Play, Service, Sex for all genders, STI information, Dealing with trauma, mental / emotional aspects of play.
Experience: I’ve taught hundreds of classes in the US, Canada, and New Zealand; I’ve also done personal coaching & consulting for dozens of clients, and have a number of high-profile sex-positive clients that use my business coaching & assistant work. For more info, visit my website –
Contact Information:
- email:
- twitter: sarahsloane
- Facebook: Sarah Sloane (fan page)