Security is Sexy

 Posted by on July 15, 2011
Jul 152011

By Sexquire

Often the best way to learn something is to live it, right? If that’s true, then I am an expert on this month’s column topic, because my real life over the past few weeks are what inspired this month’s post. In honor of the good neighbor who stole my bag (which also held my laptop), this month we’re going to talk about computer privacy and a few do’s, don’t’s and things I learned…

The Big Fat Four Letter Word: Diet

 Posted by on July 3, 2011
Jul 032011

By lunaKM

As children we learn that there are bad words but the worst of them are four-letter words. We’ll hiss and point and swear to tattle on anyone you catch saying those four-letter words but still you might whisper it under your breath just to see what bad juju it might have.

Fluctuating Identity #1

 Posted by on June 22, 2011
Jun 222011

By Shanna Katz

This interview is with Euphoria, a young woman who identifies as having fluctuation in her identities. I think it is important to include identities that may not be as definite, fleshed out, or as solid as others.

So You Want to Be a Porn Star…

 Posted by on June 14, 2011
Jun 142011

By Sexquire

If I told you that right now there are places you can go on the Internet to find amateur porn videos and pay to download them, would you be shocked? This is a ridiculous question, isn’t it? Well what if I told you that some of those videos could send the people who make them to prison?