Bootblack Marathon

 Posted by on June 3, 2011
Jun 032011

By katie diamond

When I decided I was indeed going to run for International Ms Bootblack, it was for the love of bootblacking. Yes, I had done my research into what a title-year looked like. I had talked to many contestants and a few current International title holders.

May 092011

By Indigo

From Pageant Mom to Handler to Sash Widow : Being the Girlfriend of International Ms Leather 2011

I am pleased to announce that this year’s International Ms Leather 2011 (IMsL) is my lovely girlfriend Sara Vibes. IMsL is a competition to determine the women that will represent the leather community

V- Power!

 Posted by on November 8, 2010
Nov 082010

By N

Dahlings!! I am a little late this month but that is because I was taking part in the fabulousity that was the 10th Annual Miss Lez Pageant run, conceived & conceptualized by NYC Legend Murray Hill