Rebuilding After Relationship Disasters

 Posted by on December 19, 2010
Dec 192010

By Indigo

Starting off poly in a committed relationship is not easy. Polyamory works differently for every couple and every individual. I’ve met many couples who share partners, couples who date others individually, and couples that play with others strictly at parties and events.

Focus / Boundaries

 Posted by on December 12, 2010
Dec 122010

By Selina Minx

Even in the sex-positive community “boundary” remains a loaded word for many people. Most learn to define the word grudgingly after bad experiences have brought the concept to their attention in unpleasant ways. The challenge lies in the extremely subjective and personal nature of what a boundary is.

I’m a Compervert

 Posted by on November 23, 2010
Nov 232010

by Katie Diamond

When you Google “Compersion,” luckily, a Wikipedia article pops up with the following definition: Compersion is a state of empathetic happiness and joy experienced when an individual’s current or former romantic partner experiences happiness and joy through an outside source, including, but not limited to, another romantic interest.

Priorities and Polyamory

 Posted by on October 24, 2010
Oct 242010

By Micah Schneider

Time is the one thing you can never have enough of, and time management is an essential relationship skill, particularly for poly people. There are only so many hours in the day, and after all of the stuff you have to do, figuring out how to juggle your partners and their wants and needs can be daunting.

All Publicity Is Good?

 Posted by on October 9, 2010
Oct 092010

By Micah Schneider

One of the first things you learn in the polyamory world is that there are at least as many ways to be poly as there are people who are poly. As polyamory in its many forms becomes more visible in mainstream culture, we will all benefit by this exposure. People will understand that polys are not that much different from everyone else.