Breaking Up Is Hard To Do

 Posted by on February 19, 2011
Feb 192011

By Sarah Sloane

Dear Readers,

This month, my column isn’t an answer to a single email. It’s a response to a number of people who contacted me in various ways to ask if I could give them some input on how to handle breakups involving our partners and their other partners, or within a poly group.


 Posted by on February 4, 2011
Feb 042011

By Katie Diamond

Let’s face it–not everything is peachy keen and sunshine sparkles when it comes to negotiating a relationship, regardless of whether that relationship is open or poly or mono. Communication is a sticky thing, and sometimes, that stickiness can cause the wheels of a relationship to grind to a halt.

Jan 312011

By Indigo

I find it funny that Nina Hartley knows the dynamics of my relationship. My partner V and Nina became fast friends after they met at a workshop at the Pleasure Chest in New York. V started spending time with Nina when she came to town and I knew V went to her when we were struggling in our relationship

Unexpected Resources

 Posted by on January 25, 2011
Jan 252011

By Micah Schneider

I recently spent the weekend at one of my favorite conventions of the entire year. Arisia is the largest sci-fi convention in New England. Almost three thousand geeks, nerds and freaks of every kind come together in a four-day gathering unlike any other conference I’ve attended.

Poly is a Gateway Drug

 Posted by on December 13, 2010
Dec 132010
Poly is a Gateway Drug

By Katie Diamond

This past Thanksgiving weekend, I got to spend time with one of my oldest friends. We got together at my parents’ house, and determined that we needed to relocate some place cozy and alcohol related. In the suburban depths of South Florida, we could find the alcohol, but not really the cozy