Critically Thinking About Sex Toys

 Posted by on February 25, 2011
Feb 252011

By Deirdre O’Donnell

Who Has Access to Safer Sex Toys and Why They Should Appeal to Leftists and Rightists Alike

When we think of sex toys, a word we don’t often associate with them is privilege. However, it is important to recognize that there is a very particular demographic to whom the sex toy industry is accessible.

Focus / Boundaries

 Posted by on December 12, 2010
Dec 122010

By Selina Minx

Even in the sex-positive community “boundary” remains a loaded word for many people. Most learn to define the word grudgingly after bad experiences have brought the concept to their attention in unpleasant ways. The challenge lies in the extremely subjective and personal nature of what a boundary is.

Dec 022010

By TM Bernard

After twelve years in the pharmaceutical industry selling drugs for everything from the ticker to the tooter, and I now have to admonish anyone for being so naïve as to think the following is news: “Ray Moynihan, journalist and lecturer at the University of Newcastle in Australia, discovered that drug industry employees have worked with paid key opinion leaders to help develop the disease entity

Bite the Apple

 Posted by on October 6, 2010
Oct 062010

By Ms Savannah Sly

My week and a half of kink events and travel began at 5:30am on an NYC-bound bus. To my absolute dismay, I realized that, in my drowsy haste, I had forgotten all of my new Netflix DVD’s on my kitchen table. Alas, I was to endure my travels without any new films to mull over.

But wait! Hadn’t I planned on attending to 2010 NYC CineKink screening that very night?