Sensual Graffiti: Miss Van

 Posted by on May 19, 2013
May 192013
Sensual Graffiti: Miss Van

By Erin Fae

I first came to know the work of Miss Van on the streets of San Francisco. There, on the corner of Fillmore and Height, was a curvaceous bunny girl painted on the outside of a door. She had large sultry lips and barely-open eyes.

Fat Acceptance Begins With You

 Posted by on January 22, 2011
Jan 222011

By lunaKM

Fat isn’t just a physical attribute; it’s an identity. Fat people tend to do two things when it comes to their appearance. The either let the fat define them, or they start defining what fat should be. When I realized that fat was going to be with me for the long haul I had to make that decision